Monday, September 2, 2013


                     SO i have survived the first few months in York's intense master of accounting program that resembles an Olympic training system. The difficulty in York’s master of accounting comes from how fast the program is. The speed of the program however teaches critical professional skills which you will need when working in accounting firm. It increases your ability to learn in shorter time period and the speed with which you pick up new concepts.  We cover about 12-19 chapter per course which spans three to four weeks. This is a quarter of the time a typical semester takes. I can’t believe how much I have learnt and how such a period I have learnt these things.  Guaranteed once you complete this program, nothing you ever do in your life will be comparatively as difficult....fingers crossed! Just kidding, hopefully this is building muscles to be able to climb higher heights in the accounting profession. I took courses like financial accounting intermediate, corporate finance, management accounting etc. I learnt interesting topics such as business valuation, project evaluation, treatment of financial instrument under ifrs and aspe and countless more interesting things. However, I believe tertiary education is not an end in itself but a means to an end. The end here is landing the job of your dreams.
What is the next leg in my journey to becoming an accountant? Recruitment season!!!! In Canada, recruitment season occurs between the end of august and beginning of September. People from arts and social science background have never dream of getting so much attention from recruiters. Firms like Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst and Young, Price water house Coopers come on campus to tell student about what their firm has to offer. Recently, I went to one such event it was amazing!! You get the opportunity to get an inside perspective of what firms look at when hiring students. You also get to network with professionals in the industry. You can ask them any question you want, and for that few hours, you can pry away at both personal and professional aspects of their life. I got to speak with professionals who had worked in the industry for more than 15 years. I can’t tell you how invaluable that experience was for me. You get to see that the people who have achieved the goals which you have set for yourself are just as human as you are. You get inspired by their accomplishments and it pulls your dreams a little more firmly into the physical realm. Next phase is submitting my applications on their websites and then going into my praying, fasting, hoping pose. Hey whatever works for you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello :) I am accepted into the MAcc program this year and wanted to get some student's opinions before making my decision. How much does the program help you with recruiting? Do you think that taking the courses at such a fast pace is good for people with no business background? Also, do you have enough time to delve into the material in depth? How do you think this program compares to similar programs which offer co-op?
